Included with Mac OS 8.5 is a wonderful feature called the Application Switcher -- a configurable palette that shows your currently running applications. Apple enabled the Application Switcher with a ton of different options but no easy way for the user to set them. That's where SwitcherSetter comes in (or if you're from Boston, "SwichaSetta").
SwitcherSetter offers an easy-to-use interface to modify all of the different Application Switcher options and settings.
What do I need to run it:
• Mac OS 8.5
• Any Power Macintosh computer
How do I use it?
Using SwitcherSetter is very simple. Simply double-click on the SwitcherSetter icon to launch the application. After SwitcherSetter has loaded, its main window will come up ready for you to start controlling the Application Switcher window. If you need further explanation about what a control does, turn on Balloon Help from the Help menu and point your cursor at any of the on-screen controls to get a description of what it does.
Setting the Application Switcher options happen in real-time -- as you select an option, the Application Switcher will instantly reflect your decision. Sweet!
Where can I go for updates to SwitcherSetter?
You can always return to SwitcherSetter's website at <> to check for updates and sign up for the SwitcherSetter announcement list.
What if I need some support?
You can always e-mail me at <> and I'll try to get back to you in a timely manner. Also check SwitcherSetter's website for version information and other notes.
Other stuff:
SwitcherSetter is freeware, actually more specifically, it's beerware. If you ever run into me at a bar in the Boston area and want to buy me a beer, I won't turn you down. This software is provided as-is, and the author makes no guarantees about its operation or any problems that may occur resulting from its use.